About the Program
We created the Northern Colorado Counseling Post-Masters Apprenticeship to assist newly graduated, masters-level therapists find their way. Built upon our values of access to care, ongoing education and community, clinicians will become a member of a cohort and receive top quality clinical experience, training and supervision, combined with all the step-by-step guidance one will need to launch an insurance-based private practice.
Upon completion of the 2 year program, clinicians will have gained the following:
Paid counseling experience with a wide variety of clients in a group practice setting
Clinical skills, interventions and training in multiple therapeutic approaches
Top quality supervision from Approved Clinical Supervisors with 45+ hours of training in supervision
All the supervision hours one will need PLUS 2 years of clinical experience, preparing clinicians to apply for licensure through the State of Colorado
Close working relationships with other cohort members
Marketing and networking experience to create connections in the local community
The foundation one will need to launch a private practice including:
Step-by-step guidance on completing state and federal requirements to create a business
Thorough training and experience in the entire insurance process from intake through discharge, credentialing, billing, and documentation
An in-depth understanding of state and local Medicaid requirements
An overview of using electronic health records systems
Applications are OPEN for our next cohort, starting in July 2025.
Space is limited. Interested and qualified candidates APPLY HERE!
Sample Clinical Training Topics
Sample Business Training Topics
Diagnosing using the current DSM
Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
Motivational Interviewing
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Mindfulness & Self-Compassion
Using Ego States in Therapy
Addictions & Co-Dependency
Billing & Credentialing
Filing Your Business at the State & Federal Levels
Financials & Bookkeeping
Marketing Yourself
Website Creation and Branding
...In addition to an orientation to conducting intake assessments, treatment plans, discharge summaries, progress notes, electronic health record systems, etc. Clinicians will also have the opportunity to research and select a clinical training of their own choosing for cohort members to participate in.